Hi there!

I am Emmanuel Fallancy. A web developer based in Sydney. Love learning, open source enthusiast, and enjoys having (strong) coffee.

Some of the few tech(s) that I use in my adventure as developer.

🏁 Using NodeJS for most of my work while exploring Rust, Clojure and Go.

⚛️ Spend most of my time in React and juggling with Vue at the same time.

🎯 Oftenly with Gatsby and Next.js when it comes to framework.

📡 Into GraphQL and suprisingly convinced myself to build GraphQL server for managing sitemap.

📊 Either PostgresQL or MongoDB but preferably, CMS like services wherever JAMStack is possible.

📐 Sketch as my weapon of choice for wireframing and prototyping.

💻 Using Hyper as my terminal.